

Master of Divinity (M.Div.)

The Master of Divinity prepares the student for the role of Minister of Word and Sacrament. It consists of a 72-hour core and 16 hours of electives plus a comprehensive examination.

Sacrae Theologiae Magister (STM)

The STM is a further graduate-level theological qualification after the Master of Divinity or a Master of Arts. It prepares on both practically and academically past the Master of Divinity. It requires 24 credit hours of additional study, a comprehensive examination in the chosen area of specialty, and a thesis. Up to one-half of these hours may be taken through independent guided research under the directon of an Ordinarius. For more information, please request the "STM Thesis Order" from MLIS.

Possible areas of specialization include, but are not limited to:

Diploma in Pastoral Ministry

This 45-credit-hour program is designed for those who find themselves,for whatever reason, already in the position of serving a ministry context and who need education and formation to continue faithfully serving that context.

40 of the 45 credit hours are transferrable into a Bachelor of Divinity program with the admissions approval of the Faculty Senate.


A downloadable .pdf description of this course is here as an adjunct to the catalog.

Certificate in Congregational Ministry

This program is designed for lay leaders and those interested in becoming more involved in the ministry of the local congregation, or in specialized ministries.

This 20-credit hour program prepares the learner to faithfully serve and support a local pastor or specialized ministry. Students receive a foundation in the Lutheran Confessions, the Scriptures, and the basics of pastoral care, preaching, and liturgy.

12 of the 20 credit hours are transferrable to the Diploma of Pastoral Ministry or Bachelor of Divinity programs, with Faculty Senate approval.


A downloadable PDF description of this course is available as an adjunct to the catalog.

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